
25th June 2023

Goodaye all, started last week expecting to be a short one after the long week-end. Ended up Dubbo, Newcastle, Sydney, Mackay, Townsville, Hermidale and Dubbo, so worked out ok. Started this week with a plan to be in Wagga Wagga for some filming and stuff for Thursday, so to make that happen, looked like a delayed start for the week to achieve the end aim.

Trailers had a couple of tyres to do and air leaks to check, set them up for the work, then got offered the chance to do a load to Melbourne and back and still make Wagga, yes please, but the workshop had work to finish first, as I had not been going out and so started on them later than I hoped. Found a couple of leaks, did some airbags and tyres and then had them loaded for a 7.30 pm exit. MMM, this could be a bit tight now.

But after getting in and out of Melbourne, back to Dubbo to unload, then off to load, having a bit of load shift and sorting that, then it was off to downtown Wagga for a good nights sleep and I needed It by then. We had planned an early start, but flights meant the crew from Sydney could only get there by 10 and thankfully the fog I had struggled through on the way up the previous night did not hang about, but late that afternoon the rain made it a bit of a bugger and meant no drone footage. All this is for something not due out till July, so can’t say anymore till then.

So just over a week ago, coming down the Gregory Development Road from Charters Towers to Clermont, the first section is nearly a red road and not too bad, but then it gets narrow and at one stage about half way down, well before the really wild undulating section around the mine turnoff, I must have moved over for the oncoming truck two inches too far, he may have been heavier and a bit closer to the centre because of that and probably knew the road better than me. Luckily the back tri was light and the load in the front section was low, as the edge took me and whilst I still trued to edge back on rather than reef or fight it too quickly, all I saw in the mirror was the back trailer swinging over the center line whilst I hung on and hoped it stayed upright.

It is a while since I have had one of those moments that make you think, mmmm, and speaking to another driver during tea at Clermont, he said there had been many roadtrain dogs go over and of course, I have heard others complain of that bit of road. Any road is good while your on it alone or where you have a decent shoulder, even if it is only dirt but solid and relatively flat, but I just had it happen on the wrong bit, very narrow, all broken and uneven and of course, that is one of the big problems.

Another fellow told me of a government man (and this is general but not necessarily negative as they simply know no better) who when discussing the issue of trucks and b-doubles traversing a roundabout, the fellow said in all seriousness, “I don’t have any trouble with it in my car each day” and mate thought he was then going to say, but I recognise trucks are different, but no way. So getting anyone to recognise our issues when they travel only in cars will always be hard, because they know better.  Audiobooks tomorrow evening in Brissie , I hope, off to there now. Safe Travelling, Rod Hannifey.


18th June 2023 The camels back.

Goodaye all, three calls from mates this week, two owner drivers and one employed truckie. The first told me he had given me a plug in Transport for Christ, had I seen it? “I still haven’t even read Owner Driver through yet, and I have had that copy for a few days now and haven’t even had a chance to pick yours up.” He made a comment he does read my column when he can get a copy, but much of the other stuff is negative and does that help or not? A fair question.

The next rang to tell me a sign in a parking bay I want removed is still there, so I told him how to fix that, then he told me of a new intersection at the Middlemount turnoff, it is now a crossroads he commented. Ah yes, I did see the sign looked worse for wear and it was a truck that went straight through it and by the time of this conversation, having just come down the Gregory Development Road, I could give it some further thought having been very close to arse over head not long before.

So I can and may yet, bore you all with a list and whilst any one of these is not yet the straw that will break the camels’ back, each is weighing heavily on my mind. The third call had so many issues and factors involved, a younger owner driver not sure if he will keep going after an enforcement issue. Again, more than one side and more than one issue, but all weighing and taking a toll.

I had stopped and had tea at Clermont, (have the rissoles, a fantastic well priced feed and I took the third rissole away for the next day) and asked a driver if he knew about the green reflectors. Yes he did and then recognised me, but when I explained who and how, many are put in place, he was a bit surprised. He went on to tell me of one of their stockcrate drivers had just received I think $2400 in fines for simply doing his job, though obviously not by the rules both put in place and enforced by those who do not have to live by them.

Have also had another fleet owner call me for advice with a list of again, I wasn’t there etc issues, but a fine for a tyre that had just been to Darwin and was due and planned to be changed in the next few hours when back at the depot and a bottle of hand wash beside the fuel tank being an unrestrained load among others, had him concerned, like all the others, for the future.

Then there is the fact that on the way to Townsville up the top half of the Bruce Hwy, there seems to be more inspection bays just truck rest areas. At least TMR leave them open, yes with a sign that says you may be asked to move on, fair I hope you would all agree? But Transport for NSW, no they have to lock and chain them up in case a truckie parks there. What a waste of money, resources and if we had enough places to park, do they really think we would stop there? At least Vicroads have made the effort to help and not only leave bays open, they even leave the weighbridge turned on to help us to comply, (yes TMR do at the Port in Brisbane too, but only there ae far as I know.

Then there are the “STOPPING BAYS”, who builds controls and pays for them when one will be big enough, another barely wide enough for a truck and the next, not even signed. Plus I sent emails to many about road design, changing shoulders and taking away any stopping place and got an email back to say one group have received approval and then funding for facilities at truck stops and I have replied, how much, haven’t we sorted that and what it is all about. Then there is the $7 million for the weighbridge east of Dubbo, got another reply, it came from the corridor strategy for the Golden Highway in 2016 and we built some rest areas too.

Woopy do, but not enough, not in the right place, no shade, no toilets and there are still more green reflector bays that truck rest areas! But I also asked about the area south of Bellata which is currently inaccessible and looks to be lost, but of courser they did not read the email properly and told me (which any blind may can see) that the rest area north of Bellata is closed for roadworks. Really, thanks for letting me know that.

But got home in time Saturday to help shift daughter and have just finished and had a shower and working out what to do next. Other than drawing blood, bumping a gutter and hitting my hand, it has been much fun. But have to try and do audiobooks now, so will stop whinging and tell you about the scary Gregory Road next week. Safe Travelling, Rod Hannifey.


11th June 2023

Goodaye all, well a short week at work and then a long week-end at home, have some plans, but am trying for a quiet one for a change, normally try to fit too much in and rush about, so this will be short and sweet. Did get some long outstanding little jobs done on the truck and trailers and another step closer to new trailers, so much more to do there.

Just put up a post from the USA where they are, for the second time, putting up a bill to allow truckers access to toilets if they are on site. So no, businesses will not be required to build toilets for them, just allow them access. Seems covid there was the same as here, we were told, no you can’t use our toilets, not you must wipe or clean, just no you can’t use them at all.

But in the USA they have “Jason’s Law” requiring them to provide truckstops and they also tried to put forth legislation making DCs pay for detention after an hour and that got squashed, I wonder why? So do the laws make it better? There are times when I really wonder why some things happen, but I certainly realise I can’t fix it all, let alone get green reflectors up, but there are some in every mainland state and I will keep trying. Stay safe, enjoy your long week-end if you are lucky enough to get one and I will be on the road tomorrow to get to Beresfield in time for a kip before the Nightshift. Safe Travelling, Rod Hannifey.


29th May/3rd June Back to the Territory

Goodaye all, it seems every time I went somewhere this week, the next load was always tomorrow. It does happen that things don’t always fall into place regularly, but I can’t recall a week where it happened every single load and day, but such is life as they say. I was always ready and keen, but each time, it was no, you can’t load till tomorrow, so it makes for a disjointed week where each time you get going and are keen to keep going, you end up with big gaps and if not always away from home, either too late to go there or have to start to early to piss them all off, so better not going there anyway. Had this part written and planned to put up on the road north, but them in a rush the rest of the way.

Then when you finally get sorted and think you are on your way, one b-double dropped out at Bourke for me, the second one I loaded and I arrive with my set and the dolly and IT WON”T FIT! So on the phone, yes it goes under but won’t go round corners without damage and there is a long way to go, “That’s OK, we are doing a dog run tomorrow” didn’t really fill me with joy. We had a timeframe in which to deliver and I had planned to do so and then have a 24 hour break to be able to get home without another.

So I sat at North Bourke with the dirt and dust, that afternoon catching up on paperwork, though luckily not much dust. Next morning after a sleepin, cleaned the cab, emptied the truck toolbox to try and get the standard bolts out for the wheelbrace, yes with that one but not with the jack ones. Did some small jobs I had not had time for and then rang to find the fellow bringing out my dolly had a flat on the trailer and would be a bit later. His trailer was for the Isa truck, so he too was a bit later getting away, but I got my 24 in plus a bit and they hooked me up and we were on our way.

Made it nearly to Blackall, went to bed, up in the morning and did a Tik Tok video. When 15, did my first trip in a truck to unload at Smithys at Blackall. When we unloaded, Tony said “Do you think you can turn it round ready to go?” and of course with only ten turns lock to lock on the R600, by the time I had done so, I was ringing in sweat. Off we went back towards Brissie and then he asked me if I wanted a go. Again, he only had to ask me once. So in truth, I only got lost once in the quad box and managed to find a gear and keep going and that was the start.

And here I was in very nearly the same location 50 years later and thought I would share. Got there on the Monday to unload, though had planned to be there the night before, but then had to split the quad to unload, all good then a rush to get to Katherine to be both legal, have phone service and in time for “Nightshift”. Up Tuesday morning, fuel and spend the day loading four trailers and left there that afternoon for Dubbo. Geez the roads up there can be lonely after 10PM and with no shoulders in places, marking green reflector bays is only good if you can see for kilometres. But got to Three ways and went to bed.

Next day, had a plan, checked with delivery for Newcastle following week, so plenty of time and said would be in Dubbo Friday, with truck booked for B service Monday and will deliver Tuesday, yes all good. I had known of the Truck Museum in Winton and had looked at stopping on the way up, but time was tight and every other time I was either too late or had no time to spare, so planned a visit and made it into Winton late that night.

Now as a side story, to those of you who wonder why the HV Rest Area Steering Committee hasn’t solved the rest area issue in the first three months. Opposite the museum is a large truck parking area and after that is the Puma, but like so many now, the toilets are inside and when it kis closed, there are NO toilets available. So some of the people who man the museum asked the council to put in a toilet. IT HAS ONLY TAKEN THREE YEARS TO GET IT and whilst the building is there with just one shower and toilet, IT IS STILL NOLT OPEN TO USE!

But in the museum there is a heap of industry history, much to read, books to buy and of course, trucks to see. At $10 entry, good value and as I went to leave, really needing more time to do it justice, I was asked, “Is that your new one?” as a Dubbo couple walked in to check out the museum. So if you have the time, go and visit the Winton Diamantina Heritage Truck and Machinery Museum. I will try and put up a few photos over the next few eeks once I download them from my camera.

Did another Tik Tok at Charleville with all the lights on and the only problem on the way home was roos from Cunnamulla to Bourke. I missed hundreds and still got four, one of which came at me and hit the steer and hit the CTI fitting, luckily I was nearly there, turned the tap off and went to bed and managed to seal it enough to get home and will get a new fitting over the week-end to sort next week. No matter where you go, the Central Tyre Inflation system is the first thing many ask about and they have supported me from the start of the TIV and still do so to this day with the new blue one.